Archive for the ‘Federal Reserve’ Category

Michael Steele Should Feel Aggrieved Today

November 7, 2012

If I had to pinpoint the key moment when Mitt Romney lost the election, it would long pre-date his eventual securing of the GOP nomination.
In January 2011, Michael Steele was essentially fired and replaced with Reince Priebus. As time passed, it became increasingly clear that by taking this decision the RNC was dicing with electoral disaster. Michael Steele had articulated and taken an inclusive approach that paid dividends in the 2010 election. By dumping him and installing Reince Priebus as the new Chair of the Republican National Committee, the GOP had put in place a person that had no interest in adopting the sort of inclusive approach that would hand victory to Mitt Romney on a silver platter.
My evidence? The treatment of Ron Paul and his supporters by the RNC was atrocious.  All the way from the Iowa straw poll to the Convention in Tampa.  The Republican Party also totally failed to address big issues relating to the role of the Federal Reserve, Civil Liberties and the immediate need to drastically cut Federal spending on programs such as Medicare parts C and D.  This lead to the alienation of natural, small “l” libertarian, Republican supporters and, shock horror, the chickens came home to roost.  Obvious or what.  I had the opportunity to vote for Gary Johnson, who was similarly poorly treated by the RNC, and took it – in the swing state of Ohio, too.  Many others just did not vote.  Political blowback.

As Chair of the RNC, Reince Priebus executed appallingly bad judgement; a charge of which he will certainly not be alone.  For that he, and his cronies, should immediately quit.  They were instrumental in delivering an epic fail.  Or maybe they prefer to fail rather than do what we all know needs to be done to restore fiscal sanity.

Why I will vote third party, and for Gary Johnson, on Tuesday

November 4, 2012

I live in the swing state of Ohio. This means I have been inundated with Democrat and Republican propaganda. I have had up to 6 mailers from PACs in my mailbox in a single day. Being a “swing voter”, I guess I am of pretty high value to the duopoly. If I read all these mailers, other than to view them as a propaganda analysis exercise, I would be in danger of being less well informed than if I hadn’t received them at all. The latest stormer was from “Freedomworks”, a guide slamming Sherrod Brown. This amused me immensely as much of the information therein, or subtle variations thereof, could equally be applied to almost every Republican Congressman and Senator, Paul Ryan included. Remember that Paul Ryan was begging Congress to pass TARP. Also, in all these mailers big issues are totally absent – the role of the inflationary role and cronyism of the Federal Reserve, erosion of the Bill of Rights, and unending overseas adventurism.
I will vote for Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Party candidate, in large part because he addresses these issues. But also because he was not given a fair shake during the Republican primary process, and not just by the GOP itself but also by their shills in our corporatist propaganda organs.  A form of political blowback if you will.

Herman Cain’s Achilles’ Heel

October 10, 2011

So Herman Cain has now stated, “To protest Wall Street and the bankers is basically saying you’re anti-capitalism.” Not so fast…….. It may be that many Occupy Wall Street people are, but to focus on that is a diversion. Rather, the reason that OWS is gaining traction is because of the blatant cronyism between the Federal Reserve, “too big to fail” Wall Street firms and their Democrat and Republican puppets in both the executive and legislative branches of government. Be it Obama/Geithner/Pelosi or Bush/Paulson/Boehner. Indeed, much of the Tea Party can trace its roots back to the same disgust with Wall Street as we see today with OWS.
The Federal Reserve, Mr. Cain’s former employer, bailed-out their chums in Wall Street, and overseas, to the tune of $16 TRILLION of freshly inflated Bernanke bucks. In only a little over 2 years, too. The bail-out happened under both Bush and Obama, proving that cronyism is indeed bipartisan. By avoiding true capitalist principles, the perpetrators of the financial meltdown not only got off scot-free but were also spared bankruptcy – the free market fate they deserved.
We know the magnitude of the bail-out because of the stellar work of Ron Paul and Alan Grayson in the House and Jim DeMint and Bernie Sanders in the Senate that forced a GAO audit of the Federal Reserve’s role in the bail-out. I know that all four opposed TARP, too. I do know that Mr. Cain supported TARP and he has stated that there is no need to audit the Fed. This begs the question of who is more anti-capitalist, OWS or Herman Cain? One thing is for sure, Herman Cain’s Federal Reserve connection is his Achilles’ heel.

Cry Baby Cain

September 28, 2011

So Herman Cain is complaining about being questioned about the Federal Reserve. Boo hoo.
A big reason a great many people have reservations about him is because he was past President of the Kansas City Fed. The Federal Reserve has become synonymous with crony crapitalism and is ripe for a full audit, if anyone doubts this then just look at the findings of the partial audit stemming from the financial meltdown. Consequently, given his past employment and recent events, it is inevitable that he’d face questions on the Fed. If he ever comes to where I live, I’d be questioning him on it, too.
Does he expect Mitt Romney to not be questioned on “Romneycare”? Rick Perry not to be pressed on alleged cronyism? This is their Achilles’ heel, association with the Fed Reserve and his support for TARP is his. Herman Cain should be calling for a full audit rather than crying about people questioning him.  Or is he just another one of the GOP’s crony crapitalists?